Saturday, May 8, 2010

This is a saying of Kabir who lived in the fifteenth century in India. He's describing an ecstatic moment, among many, experienced by him. He wasn't a writer, so his works have come to us by means of oral tradition, which doesn't operate like a copier (Over time, you would expect small errors to accumulate). Also this is a translation. This isn't what he literally said, but it describes the experience he promoted in his work in general.

I've known my body as the

Sport of the universe

But now I escape

from the error of this world

The inward and outward are

become as one sky, the infinite

and the finite are united.

I am drunken with the sight of this all.

He was a weaver, not wealthy but self-supporting, who lived in the fourteen hundreds, in what is now Varansi in Northern India. Think of Christopher Columbus _ same time period. The area is inhabited by both Moslems and Hindus, and Kabir seems to have been able to appreciate both traditions, and both religions have a claim on his works.

Anyway about the experience he describes above - its available to all of us. Everyone seems to be able to describe some version or another of the experience: " everything seemed to be perfect, everything was in its right place, everything seemed to be related to everything else, we all seem to be part of the same thing, I just melted away and became part of the ocean around me, I just knew there was something all-powerful behind this". Neuroscientists have been able to induce the experience in people by magnetic stimulation of a certain part of the brain. In other words, it's a natural experience, given our circuitry.

For those of us who inhabit this material world feeling like strangers, who have to struggle to find meaning, who are naturally inclined away from religious dogma and psuedo science, this experience can be examined with a lot more than circuitry in mind. Nueroscience, Quantum mechanics, physics, philosophy, and good old fashioned mysticism are converging in a very interesting way right now, as you read this post. No Joke. So this blog is going to be about all that.

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